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In total, this FULL COLOR book includes 225 great ideas under one cover used in a real camp with ages 7 though 16. It is organized by genre, so painting and drawing ideas are put first, sculpture is next, followed by clay, and photography. The books ends with 88 sketchbook ideas that can be turned into daily drawing projects, or used when a project finishes too quickly. We know budgets are often tight, so all our lessons are open to interpretation. If you don’t have plaster, the sculpture can be made in paper mache. If you don’t have acrylics, often watercolor or tempera paints will be a good alternative.
You can even re-imagine projects that we have listed as drawing or painting and do them as a sculpture, and vise versa. Many sculpture projects can be done in clay, this is why our clay-specific lessons may seem limited. Be open to creative possibilities and you will find several years of lesson ideas here. This book is a consolidation of lessons from our art education publications, plus lessons we have created for our own summer camp program. Some may be completed in a day, some will take longer. We will not include crafting directions that are easily obtained on the internet, but will include a link to pages we feel are helpful. Some lessons may be craft-based but will have a fine art “twist” so that projects are more personal and expressive. Our regular art education books reference connections to core course content like math, science, literature, and more. These references have been removed from this book as well as lessons that are more “academically focused.” We feel this collection is broad, includes more exploratory lessons, and lessons that have a summer-camp-vibe. |
What They Didn’t Tell You in College. Often, teaching can be a whole different experience than what prospective educators have been told in college. This book provides “Real Life” experience from a teacher with 20+ years in the trenches and his colleagues.
Teaching is NOT for everyone. It takes a special person with a lot of patience and organization to teach. Procrastinators will find themselves underwater in short order as well as in violation of the LAW in some cases. Though Freedom of Speech is in our Constitution, there are some very real limits about what a teacher can and cannot say in the classroom or even outside the school or on the internet. These constraints may simply be too much for some. You will never be paid what your work is actually worth or the hours you really put in, and the politics of unions, parents, and administration can sour your enthusiasm. In many places, the whole profession of teaching is under attack as an easy/soft target to squeeze financially by cutting benefits and salaries. That said, the rewards are numerous as well. I make a comfortable middle-class salary. I still have students visiting me many years after graduation thanking me for my influence in their lives. I know I have saved several from the brink of suicide with the help of a guidance counselor; I have championed students who would otherwise be lost in the system, I have planted the seeds of my own content expertise and have witnessed the blossoming and growth in my students firsthand. I have affected lives for the better and some have become lifelong friends. Though I love my subject, it is because of some of these less tangible reasons I am a teacher. |
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